Are you feeling stressed? Out of sorts? As if you’re dragging a weight around with every step?
If so there’s a 3-Minute Solution to give you the pattern of balance for better wellbeing. This pattern is important energetically and neurologically.

Leon Brown

Albert Einstein
All of us get stressed when we lose our connection to our true self – to Who We Truly Are. If we’re not to get stressed we need to maintain one of the fundamental patterns of a healthy life – our balance.
Neurologically and energetically staying balanced is a major key to increasing the ease of connection to Who We Truly Are. When we’re out of balance our system has to constantly compensate for that, which is a drain on our energy and a drag on our efforts. When we’re out of balance we never run at our optimal state and tend to generate more toxicity than usual – a bit like when your car is out of tune it’ll throw up more oil and crud into the engine.
Balance can be static, similar to the picture at the left above – weight on either side of a fulcrum needs to be even if the fulcrum is to stay level. That might work for rocks but it doesn’t work in our human existences. We can’t sit still – there’s too many fun and worthwhile things to be doing.
That means we need a dynamic balance, not a static one. That is what Albert Einstein was speaking about, as quoted on the right above. In energetic terms, it means if we have energy flowing out we need to have the same amount of energy flowing in if we’re to stay balanced. That is the kind of balance that maintains each of your chakras. Your chakras are vortices of electromagnetic energy – they are similar in pattern to a whirlpool. They maintain their shape and structure not through a rigid structure, like your bones, but through the pattern of a balanced flow.
Neurologically a balanced flow is even more important. You have neurological information and impulses flowing from your brain down your nerves and into your body – that’s called the efferent flow. That’s how your brain tells your muscles what to do.
You also have a neurological flow that goes from your toes and fingers back up your nerves and into your brain – called the afferent flow. That’s how your system knows if what it did worked or not.
Maintaining a balanced neurological upflow and downflow helps balanced flows other in your system – like your kundalini energy. It’s essential for wellbeing, both energetically and physically.

With this simple exercise you can maintain this essential balance in your system. It doesn’t take long – in fact, if it takes you more than 3 minutes then you’re forcing it, rather than guiding the flow.
Done correctly, this simple exercise will bolster your wellbeing by maintaining a healthy flow in your system. Like many of the techniques I teach, it’s simple but not easy. It requires a clear focus and a strong intention. As with all things, the more you practice it, the better you’ll become at it and the easier it will be. Then it might only take you 1 minute!
Here’s how you do it:
- Focus on the upflow and downflow in your spine. You can focus on your energy or nervous system flow, whichever works better for you. The effects are the same.
- Intend for both flows to perfectly balance each other.
- As they come into balance you may notice your body’s relief. Just as good physical posture is easier on your muscles, good EM posture is easier on your nerves.
If you can, do this at the start of each morning to give you good energy for the day and last thing at night to help you recover from the stresses of the day and to improve the quality of your sleep. That way, you’ll really capitalize on your 3 minutes to create tremendous energetic, neurological and physical well-being for yourself.