Human and Divine

Human and Divine
It takes both sides

Healing or spiritual growth or personal development is the process of becoming whole, of realising the entirety of who We Truly Are.  This means we need to become complete with both sides of our nature; the human and the divine.

In order to become complete with our human self we need to be able to appreciate how the contrasts and limitations of our lives give our experiences a flavour and a focus we would not otherwise have. It’s a little like cooking with a limited number of ingredients; if we were to cook with everything the unique flavours would get lost. The first step in this process is completing and releasing any pain or dis-ease in our lives so we can shift our focus away from what we don’t want and begin to focus on the pleasure and sensuality which is the physical experience of joy.

This is the strength of Chiropractic. It enables us to align our bodies, our physical selves, so we are open and receptive, aware and integrative of those things that we don’t want and we easily filter out and release those things we don’t want.

Getting complete with our divine self is a process of appreciating how we are part of the creative flow, in all its power and majesty, and we each have a unique part to play in it.  Fulfilling our own part is so natural a part of our true essence it is linked to our deepest joy.  Gaining the personal clarity we need to be able to know what this is, cooperate with its unfolding and express it gracefully and powerfully on the planet is necessary here.  Paradoxically, this is a process of realising our limitations are only real for as long as we make them so.

This is the strength of Fractology. It enables us to align our consciousness and our minds, so the pure light of our divinity is focused through the lens of our minds into each moment of our lives. Through this process we begin to realise the divinity in all things, and that we, too, are truly divine.

Through the twin powers of chiropractic and Fractology we are able to work through the paradox of life, and use the focus of our physical limitations to realise the individual expression of our magnificent, true divine selves.

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