Are you haunted by the problems in your business or work life? Or do you know with absolute conviction that your business could be huge if you could just get ahead of the trend? Problem solving and creative innovation are the edge your intuition can give you in your business. From Steve Jobs to Oprah Winfrey, many business leaders speak about the importance of their intuition and how it helped them get ahead in their business. This is an edge you can acquire for yourself. You too can use your intuition to succeed in business.
In life and business there are only two categories of things you have to deal with. Those you already know and those you don’t know yet. Your brain is designed to handle both of these. That’s why you have two sides to your brain.
When dealing with something you already know you’ll probably need to pull up from the dim recesses of your memory or subconscious known facts and figures. These details, this data gives you the information you need to deal successfully with what you’re facing. If you’ve dealt with it well before you’ll pull up that data and do something similar again, hopefully with a similarly successful outcome. Your left-brain is really good at that kind of thing. That’s what its job is. This is the side of your brain that school focuses on. However good your grades were then, that was down to how well your left-brain stores that data. When you know something, you know it. The difficulty is that in business, as in life if you try to use what you already know to handle something you don’t know yet it’s probably not going to work out so well. That’s when the other side of your brain and your intuition comes into it.
Your right-brain doesn’t deal with known facts but with the patterns of life. Pattern-based thinking or using your intuition in business decision making is what the intuitive-edge in business is all about. None of us like having to deal with difficult situations, especially if we dealt with something similar unsuccessfully in the past. When you’re faced with such a situation you know you need to do something different, but what? Even more daunting are those moments in which you have to deal with something entirely new, whether it’s because the trend has changed or you’re taking your business into its next phase. Yet these moments are also where the biggest opportunities lie.
The chances are if you have a problem other people have it as well. Solving problems is a great way to grow your business. When your business intuition is working well you’ll be able to perceive the pattern running through the situation and use that to realign what you’re doing to solve the problem. To understand what I mean consider a tree for a moment. Your left-brain might know all sorts of facts and figures about a tree, like how the chlorophyll or the green-stuff in the leaves can turn sunlight into energy and takes carbon dioxide out of the air in the process. Your right-brain isn’t so interested in any of that stuff. It just looks at the whole magnificent tree and goes past that to recognise the pattern that created it. Then it does more.
The pattern shows you where the tree has a problem because that broken branch or piece of mistletoe doesn’t match the rest of the pattern of the tree. In the same way your business intuition will recognise where there’s a problem when the healthy patterns of your business are disturbed in some way. Just like the tree you need to get your business back into alignment with its healthy pattern to solve that problem.
What’s more your ability to recognise pattern means you know when one tree is the same kind as another because they both have the same pattern. This is the part of your business intuition which will help you recognise new opportunities. When your right-brain recognises a situation or opportunity that aligns to the healthy pattern of your business you’ll know, even if you don’t yet have all the data, that that’s a situation in which your business can thrive in. Saying yes to such opportunities is a wonderfully empowering way to use intuition in your business decision making.
So one of the best ways to succeed in business is to strengthen your intuition. Knowing your intuition comes from the pattern-based thinking of your right-brain gives you a clue as to how you can do that. Spend some time each week working on your ability to recognise patterns and your intuition will grow stronger. You can do this by spending time in nature which is full of complex patterns called fractals. You can watch fractal zoom videos on YouTube or simply look for patterns all around you, in the people you pass and the things you notice on your media feed. Or of course you could study Fractology.