One of the joys of travelling overseas to teach is getting to experience knowledge that is old and familiar to me in a completely different way. When I see what I know through the eyes of people who look at the world from a diverse perspective it forces me to explain things in a whole new way. This is brilliant as it gives me a new appreciation of old and loved material.
One of the most noticeable differences between the culture I grew up with and the Brazilian culture is one that, fortunately, Fractology is well-equipped to handle. My upbringing was a very left-brained one. Not only because my father is a mathematician but because the culture I come from seeks to understand anything before acting on it. This means that often long explanations and assurances are required before teaching anyone even the first step in the Fractology process of developing their intuition. The challenge at home is the classical one that many spiritual and intuitive teaches have to meet. It is the challenge of enabling students to accept the validity of their intuition deeply enough that they’re open to learning. In Brazil all that changes.
This is a wonderful, deeply empathic culture with deep shades of mysticism. This harks back to the unique history of the place and can be seen in the diverse and integrated influences that created what Brazil is today. What this means for Fractology and the development of intuition is that students here plunge straight into the work. There is an immediate empathic connection to the work which is profoundly right-brained. The challenge here is not to get students to open up to the work but to understand what they’re doing from a logical framework so they can do it consistently and with clarity. In other words, the process of learning here is the reverse of what it is at home.
At home the most effective method of teaching is left-brain to right-brain. Once students have a logical framework they can accept they’re far more open to all the many gifts their intuition has to offer. Here in Brazil where I’m currently teaching that would not be an effective method. What works best here is going from right-brain to left-brain. This back and forth between both sides of the brain is fortunately an inbuilt part of the Fractology system. It is a necessary part of teaching intuition and self-awareness. It also has implications for other parts of our lives, such as business.
In business it’s most common to go left-brain to right-brain because a reliable and consistent method of operation is needed to get anywhere if you want to be successful. Knowing what you’re doing and how to do it most effectively within a highly specific focus is a great recipe for the operational side of any business. Yet any truly successful business person will tell you this isn’t enough. A great business system is an efficient way of making product, of getting the work out there but to be successful you also need to have what you’re doing be well-received. That is a more right-brained process.
Some businesses figure out the system first and then seek to connect to their clients. They go from a left-brained approach to right-brained communication. If they don’t make that switch they may have a great product but their marketing will lack heart and so their products won’t enjoy the success they deserve. The left-to-right-brain approach works well with companies that require a lot of research and development, such as medical supply companies. However today most companies, especially small companies, would do better to reverse this process.
The right-brain is what enables us to make that immediate connection. It’s what guides any business to the niche that will enable them to create an effective base from which they can grow momentum for outrageous levels of success. Microsoft is an example of a company that takes this approach. Whether you are a Mac or a PC person you can learn something from the way Microsoft does business. They throw together their next product and send it out to market knowing it’s not perfect. In other words, they’re far more focused on making that right-brained empathic connection with people than they are on having a perfect left-brained system. Once the product is out in the market they know their clients will give them feedback. Full left-brained understanding of each new product or system comes after they’ve put the product out to market.
In other words, both approaches work. They’re just different. The question you have to answer for yourself is – which way do I prefer to work? Left-to-right-brain? Or right-to-left-brain?