Disclaimer: the advise in this post is general. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing please seek medical attention and call in advance.
There’s an old Sufi story in which a Master has to admonish his disciple for losing his camel. The disciple says he told God to take care of it as the Master had always relied on God to take care of things. The Master responds, “Trust in Allah but tether your camel, for God has no hands but yours.”
It’s similar to the story of the devout Christian trapped by a flood. He prayed to God to save him. When his neighbours offered him a place in their boat he said “God will rescue me.” and he stayed. He did the same thing with the rescue services and their boat, and later with the emergency helicopter. When the waters rose over the roof of the man’s house, he ended up in heaven. When he saw God, the man said, “I prayed to you and you didn’t rescue me.”
God replied, “I sent two boats and a helicopter.”
In difficult, scary situations panic is understandable, but never helps. Retaining your trust in the divine (whatever that is for you) helps maintain a positive focus, as well as the understanding that there’s a future beyond the current stresses. It’s also important to ‘tether your camel’ and so create as easy and graceful a path for yourself as possible. Here are ten things you can do to ‘tether the covid camel’:
- Remember your soul seat. This is your connection to your own source. The stronger and clearer this is the easier it is to feel the trust in the divine.
Your soul seat is an energetic point in your body that holds your resonance. By strengthening this energy you can increase your well-being and strengthen the energy of your immune system. You can read all about this technique in my book The Soul’s Brain: The Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition. Hay House is having a 50% off sale from their website to help you through this situation. You can get my book here or the ebook here.
I’ve created a healing meditation includes this process and until this situation passes I’m making it free to stream from the website. You can do that here. (If the link doesn’t work go to the meditations page and click on read more under the healing meditation to access it.)
Your intuition is your strongest guide on your path through life. Unfortunately when you’re navigating stressful or scary situations the fear can block your intuition. Fear triggers your flight-fight response so you can respond fast but it narrows your focus to what’s immediately in front of you. While this helped your ancestors escape cave bears it can’t help escape a virus. If you remain more centred your intuition can help guide you through this situation, as my intuition told me where and when I needed to be in order to get the paper towels I needed for the clinic.
One simple technique you can use is from kinesiology:
Hold your hand across your forehead so your little finger lies along your eyebrows. Breathe slowly and deeply, close your eyes and focus on whatever is stressing or scaring you. Keep breathing. This helps your system integrate the stress. When it’s integrated you’ll no longer feel so overwhelmed, which makes it easier to stay centred and open to your intuition.
- With social distancing, and even more so with self-isolation, it can be hard to feel supported. You can join Facebook groups and use your social
media to stay connected, have FaceTime meals with friends, etc.
By energetically opening to the love and support of your divine source you can help yourself be nurtured through this. Again this is a technique you can find in my book The Soul’s Brain: The Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition. Hay House is having a 50% off sale from their website to help you through this situation. You can get my book here or the ebook here.
Focus on your divine source, whatever that is for you. Know your divine source is flowing love and support to you in every moment. So you don’t have to do anything to get this universal love and support. All you have to do is relax and allow it in. Feeling this universal love and support helps keep you in a state of trust in the divine.
- Social distancing is a natural state for many of us introverts, but if you’re more extroverted in nature it’s going to be tougher. One way to apply your trust to help yourself through this situation is to focus on the positive future that will come once this current situation has passed. Just as you can tune yourself up to your soul seat, you can focus on this future version of you, the version of you that is in the positive future, and tune yourself up to the soul seat resonance of your future self. This will be the same resonance as your current soul seat, but clearer and stronger. Again, you can read all about this technique in my book The Soul’s Brain: The Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition. Hay House is having a 50% off sale from their website to help you through this situation. You can get my book here or the ebook here.
Remember, while it is likely you will be exposed to the covid-19 virus at some point in the future whether you get sick or not isn’t just a matter of exposure. It’s also a matter of the state of your immune system, and the health of your lungs.
One way to ‘tether the covid camel’ is to strengthen your lungs. You can do this by doing deep breathing exercises every day. The herb mullein is known to help strengthen and clear lungs so this may be helpful, both during the flu and in recovery. A great home support for your lungs is the herb rosemary. You can use either the fresh herb or the essential oil. A sprig under the pillow or a few drops on your pillow can help you breathe easier at night.
- Another way to ‘tether the covid camel’ is to strengthen your immune system. Large doses of Vitamin C are helpful. Covid-19 causes fatigue which suggests the virus affects the lymphatic system as well as the spleen, which is like a big lymph node. The herb Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata) helps to strengthen the immune system through the spleen. You can get this in combination but if you buy it by itself you can increase the dose for a short period if you feel the need.
- One of the best herbs for managing the symptoms of a flu is called yarrow. It’s been used for centuries to treat infections and is even said to be the
herb they used to treat Achilles’ heel when he trod on the arrow, hence it’s botanical name of Achillea millefolium. It helps to bring down fever and swelling as well as drying up excess mucous. I’ve used it in previous flu seasons when I caught a bit of whatever was going round. If I started to feel a little off or feverish I’d just have a cup of yarrow tea (it’s a bit bitter so you may want to put some peppermint or something else with it) and I’d feel fine for a couple of hours. You can grow it easily in a pot or the garden, as long as it gets plenty of water and sunlight. You can use it fresh or as a tea.
- Unfortunately the illness itself isn’t the only kind of stress the covid situation is creating. There’s the social stress, and for many there’s also an economic stress. That stress may last the longest for some of us. So part of ‘tethering the covid camel’ will be to manage your stress. The herb Ashwagandha, also known as Withania, is great for managing stress. It helps to balance your adrenals and will help you reach those deeper sleep states which are so important for healing. Take this before bed, especially if the stress is starting to keep you up at night.
- ‘Trust in the divine and tether your camel’ by remembering ‘this too shall pass’. The more you remain aligned to the future you want for yourself the more easily you will move through this situation. Focus on what you want for yourself. Feel how it feels to be in your chosen future. Practice being in that future today and you’ll be all the more ready for it when it comes, as well as being able to deal with the short-term stress in the meanwhile. Again You can read all about this technique in my book The Soul’s Brain: The Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition. Hay House is having a 50% off
Remember, joy will return. sale from their website to help you through this situation. You can get my book here or the ebook here.
- The same technique as in 9. applies to the positive future you’d like to co-create for the world. Many people keep asking me what they feel is the bigger picture on the current situation. Part of that bigger picture is how much we need to learn to think and act more interdependently, including having a more interdependent relationship with the planet. You can help move our collective consciousness in that direction by focusing on a positive future for this planet in which all people – including the planet herself – get to live in their integrity. You can read all about this technique in my book The Soul’s Brain: The Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition. Hay House is having a 50% off sale from their website to help you through this situation. You can get my book here or the ebook here.