- Your intuition is that part of your system that knows the pattern of your essence, and uses that to help you make choices that will strengthen the clarity and elegance of your pattern in your life. This is why intuition is so often showing you the way to make your life easier and more graceful.
- The difficulty is that each of us has a different intuitive language. It’s like your own private language you use to speak to your deepest self. But there are clues to your intuitive language in your nervous system.
- You may have heard that some people are visual, some are auditory and some are kineasthetic. That is, some people learn best when information is given them to visually, some learn best through audio, and some do better when they can feel or act out the new information. Ask yourself – when I need to find a new route to somewhere is it easiest for me to find my way if someone shows it to me, say on a map, or if they tell me the way, or if I can trace the path on the map? That can tell you how you take in information in the most efficient way. Whatever it is for you, that’s simply how your nervous system is set up. You can’t change it, but you can take advantage of it.
- One of the ways is by understanding that, in the same way you learn things in different modalities, so too your intuition may speak to you in a particular way.
- There are nine different kinds of intuitive languages: gut feeling, emotional language, auditory language, symbolic sounds, clear visual language (symbols), clear visual language (videos), sense of smell, taste, and knowing.
- Gut feeling is the most familiar intuitive language, experienced through body sensations. It’s the physical feeling form of kineasthetic intuition.
- Emotional language involves using emotions to communicate intuitive messages. This is a form of empathy. It’s another form of kineasthetic intuition, but the feelings here are emotions, not physical sensations.
- There are two auditory languages also. One is called clairaudience. It’s the ‘hearing voices’ type of intuition.
- Hearing symbolic sounds is the other auditory language. If you’re musical, for example, you may find the music you hear in your head has another layer of meaning for you.
- There are also two visual intuitive languages. One is symbols. Our society has many symbols but when they appear to you intuitively it means they have a particular meaning for you.
- You can think of the second visual language as a form of internal videos. Your intuition can show you how things are going to play out. Many people experience this kind of language in their dreams.
- The other senses can also form an intuitive language. Ever smelled something in a space that didn’t appear to be linked to anything physical? That might’ve been your intuition talking to you.
- Taste can also be intuitive. That’s why we have such sayings as ‘it left a bad taste in my mouth’.
- And the last intuitive language is simply knowing. It’s when you know something, without question, yet couldn’t say how you know it.
- The trick with all these different languages is in learning how to interpret each one of them. You are intuitive, whether you know it or not. And if you don’t know it, it’s probably because you haven’t learned to understand your own intuitive language yet.
- If you’d like to understand your intuitive language, reading The Soul’s Brain: the Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition is a good start.
- Watch the video on the Living Intuitively channel, and remember to subscribe while you’re there.