The new year has come and gone. Except not entirely. The Chinese new year is on 5th February, ringing in the year of the earth pig. Whether you look at the coming year from a zodiac perspective or an energetic perspective or from the more grounded perspective of what is happening around the world the year is come is about physical abundance. Specifically it’s about how you organise the physical aspects of your life so they support you to be your most expansive self.
Pigs are all about physical abundance and earth is exactly about being grounded. As the energy of the year to come begins to pick up speed in a (thankfully) more positive direction it’s clear the challenge will be to find practical ways to re-align your life so you can ensure abundance flows in easily. While energetic, spiritual and emotional abundance are an important part of life leading to fulfilment and inspiration this is not what this year is about. This year is more about getting all of that spiritual abundance that exists in the Universe into the physical.
Naturally when we talk about physical abundance the first thing that comes to mind is money. More money is always a good and useful thing but this isn’t just about more money. It’s about how you’re organising your life to expand the financial flow in your life. This could mean a change or advancement in your career but is more likely to mean creating new structures in your life so your money works for you more than you’re working for your money. That is true abundance because it means your money is arriving with grace and ease.
Another important part of physical abundance is the support networks in your life. The more mutually expansive relationships you have in your life the more truly abundant you are. Not least of all because these kinds of healthy relationships are a huge boost to your well-being, as has been shown in many studies. So if your relationships are currently more of a drain on you than an expansive support then it might be time to learn how to create more interdependent relationships for yourself. The litmus test of relationships is this – is it easier for you to be Who You Truly Are when you’re by yourself or when you’re with that person? Any relationship which makes it harder for you to be Who You Truly Are is a drain on your abundance.
Then of course society itself is a form of physical abundance. There are lots of people doing it tough right now and that is highlighting what this current transition is all about. Moving through it to a more expansive state is what this year is all about but many current social structures will not support that unless they, also, transform. For example, the current government shutdown in the US is a great example of what used to work. A century or two ago having someone use independent tactics which could be summed up by ‘my way or the highway’ was effective, especially when those they were using these tactics against were relatively powerless. Whether or not it can be used from one arm of government against another remains to be seen, though it is doubtful. Yet from the viewpoint of the evolution of the collective consciousness perhaps it’s not so surprising what is happening.Society can either create physical abundance through expansive exchange or can create stress and poverty by creating structures that push people into being out-of-exchange.
The US is, or at least was, the most powerful and abundant nation on earth. So naturally it would be the focus on the current transition and the required shift in organisational structure which goes from moving from a codependent collective consciousness to an interdependent one. A bipartisan solution to the shutdown has been offered yet hasn’t been accepted. In the next few months things are going to get interesting. Either the ‘my way or the highway’ tactics will escalate, up to and including the possibility of the rise of authoritarianism, or those who hold a more interdependent or at least cooperative stance will stay focused and bring things back into alignment.
Although it may not seem likely right now I’m betting the latter is what ends up happening.
Not because that’s what I’d obviously prefer but because that is what on the side of the tide of history. I’m just not sure how messy things are going to get first. What I am sure about is that if you’re to take advantage of the wave of positive energy which is coming and avoid the messiness of the current transition in your own life, you need to focus on all the structures in your own life, especially those in the physical. Strengthen those that support Who You Truly Are and let go of or re-design those that don’t. Then this coming wave of positive energy which looks likely to last for twenty, if not forty, years will take you to heights you haven’t yet even glimpsed.
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