How does intuition speak to me?

Which of the Nine intuitive languages Is mine?

Your intuition is like having your own personal language. There are nine different kinds of intuitive language. Although intuition works from universal principles, each of us has a different nervous system. That means that our intuition talks to each of us differently. Your intuition will speak to you in your own personal language. Depending on the way your system works, the way your intuition speaks to you will fall into one of the nine different intuitive languages. Which kind of language does your intuition speak to you in?

#1: Clairsentience – gut feeling intuition

The first way intuition speaks is the one a lot of people are most familiar with, or they’ve heard of, which is a gut feeling. It’s literally a gut feeling. So it’s in your gut or your belly. It means your intuition is talking to you primarily through your body. It’s working through body sensations.

The term for someone whose intuitive language is literally a body language is clairsentient. That means their intuition speaks to them through their sensory perception.

#2: Empathy – intuition through emotion

The second way intuition speaks is through the other kind of feeling, emotion. So this is actually speak emotions. It’s a bit similar to the way that actors use emotions to communicate. Your own system is using your emotions to communicate to you. Each emotion communicates something different. For example, anger is communicating that there’s something happening that you don’t want, whereas anxiety is a communication saying that you’re getting off-track in your life. (This refers to appropriate anxiety and not phobias or other mental disorders.)

#3: Telepathy – intuition through thought

energy and light
Intuition is more than just clairvoyance.

The third way intuition speaks is through sound. This means you can hear your intuition. That is called being clairaudient. Intuition comes to you through your auditory sense, or your sense of hearing. This can be experienced as if someone was speaking to you. That doesn’t mean you’re ‘hearing voices’ but just that for you, your intuition literally talks to you. It gives you information in the same way as if you’re hearing your own voice in your own head. The trick, as always, is to learn how to interpret that.

#4: Clairauditory – sounds as intuition

The fourth way intuition speaks is through sound, but, instead of hearing words, you’re hearing other things. You may hear tones or music, or other types of sounds. These sounds have a value, just like any language. It has symbolic value. If this is how your intuition speaks to you, your task is to learn how to interpret and understand that symbolic value.

#5: Clairvisual – symbols as intuition

The fifth way intuition speaks is through a more visual language. When your intuition is visual you are clairvisual or clairvoyant. This means your intuition speaks to you through your sense of sight. This is like seeing with your mind or your brain, rather than with your eyes. In your ‘mind’s eye’ you may see different symbols. If you think about it, our own written language is just a series of symbols. We forget that because we’re taught what they mean from a young age. When we’re older we don’t really think about the fact that all those squiggles on the page are really just different symbols.

Your own personal visual language is like a personal shorthand, with your own personal symbols.

#6: Clairvoyance – images as intuition

The sixth way intuition speaks is through a more visual language but, this time, instead of seeing symbols you’re seeing images, just as if you’re watching a video. You may be looking at things that have happened in the past, the future or at a distance. If you’ve ever watched the programme medium on television, or some of the other TV shows, that’s often the one they present. We see this so often we can be led to believe that the only intuitive language is like videos in your head about what’s happening in other times and places. This may be your intuitive language but remember, there are many others.


The spiritual languages above, those first six, are the most well-known ones. There are a few others. They may be less common, or less well known, but they’re just as valid, and may be even more powerful under certain circumstances. It depends on your system.


intuitive connection
Intuition is connected to all things.

#7: Clairalience – intuitive smell

The seventh way intuition speaks is through your sense of smell. This is called clairalience.  I’ve known a few people who do this. One person I know navigates by smell. This may seem a bit strange, but receiving intuition through your sense of smell is more common than you may realise. It can add depth to any situation.

#8: Clairgustance – intuitive taste

The eighth way intuition speaks is through your sense of taste. This is called clairgustance. If you get a strange taste in your mouth, it may be for a health reason. But for some of us, it is our intuition speaking to us.

Again, just as with any of the other languages, it’s about learning what is your language and how to interpret it. If yours is taste and you get a taste in your mouth (obviously other than when you’re eating or chewing gum or whatever) it may be your intuition talking to you. So it’s about learning to be able to know when it is from your food or actually from your intuition.

#9: Claircognizance – intuitive knowing

The ninth way intuition speaks is through direct knowing. This is called claircognizance.

 With all of these different languages, it’s like sensing with your brain or your mind, rather than with your physical senses. But the reason you have that language is because your brain, your mind is presenting that information to you in a way you can understand. So if you’re better practised with one sense it’ll very commonly come through that language. With claircognizance it’s as if the information is coming directly into your mind and bypassing your senses. Sometimes this is described as hearing the silence between the words. Because when your mind just knows there’s a sense of space around it.

For many people, working with their intuitive language, they’ll start with just one. Their ‘native language’ if you like. But as they practise working consciously with their intuition they’ll often develop others.

Look at that list of intuitive languages and find the one that you think is how your intuition is talking to you. The more you understand it, the more you’ll be able to use it consistently. If you’d like to know more about your intuition, or work more consciously with your intuition, check out my book The Soul’s Brain: the Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition. Keep working with your intuition until it becomes a consistent, clear language for you because this is one of the major keys to unlocking your brilliance.

ocean connection
Intuition guides us on our path.

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