Soul Seat Series 1: Awareness
Does internal conflict threaten your life?
This is a difficult world we live in. Every day we’re pressured to do things which take us away from ourselves. We have demands to meet the expectations of others, to live up to their ideals or meet their needs. Every day there’s some situation working to force us away from our true selves just to survive. Every day we end up with a little less of us in our lives.
Without guidance, without support we remain lost in a confusing world with no clear direction back to our true heart and our true selves.
Is tension driving you wild?
Every day we get more and more distracted. We’re lost in the middle of our own lives, not knowing which way to turn or where to go to re-discover our true selves.
We suffer through our lives with increasing internal conflict, which creates dis-ease, emotional distress and manifests in increasingly unsupportive experiences in life. Our internal conflict can build to intense levels of pain and distress, demanding an outlet.
What we need is a clear guide to assist us to turn this situation around.
There is a guide to increasing ease in life.
A guide that is accessible twenty-four hours a day and that is tuned to our own unique needs. We need a guide which is sensitive to our essence and which can adapt to any and every situation we may find ourselves in.
Fractology shows us where to find such a guide. It lies within. It’s always been there but has now been clarified and simplified.
Working with our Soul Seat creates a clear, strong and reliable ‘personal compass’ with which we can successfully navigate through our lives. The Soul Seat Series 1: Awareness takes us on our first step to developing the personal clarity and certainty we need to create a truly authentic life for ourselves, one in which we can manifest all our desires.
This is what Nina did. She lives in Sydney, Australia and is a working mother of two. She has a huge number of distractions in her life, taking care of her husband and young children as well as succeeding in her career. It was no wonder she’d completely lost herself. She was no longer a part of her own life and was growing increasingly stressed. Her unhappiness was beginning to cause friction in her marriage. By working with her soul seat she rediscovered herself. She was able to bring herself into focus as the first priority in her own life while still doing everything else she needed to do. She’s now able to find the ‘Nina way’ to do things. Her stress has decreased as she rediscovered her happiness. Her marriage has reignited. She’s once again able to enjoy her life.
Find you own guidance now.
Download Soul Seat Series 1: Awareness to discover more.
Working with Catherine these last 15 months has been a truly fascinating, rewarding and life changing experience. It has allowed me to experience greater levels of spiritual expansion, growth and freedom in both my personal and professional life.
My studies in Fractology have made me aware of my own innate abilities and potential. I’m more centred and relaxed in my relationships with a clearer awareness of my boundaries.
Hey, I'm Dr Catherine Wilkins.
Dr. Catherine Wilkins is widely respected as a healer’s healer. She’s the one other healers seek out to improve their techniques or to trouble-shoot their skills. For nearly thirty years she’s been perfecting and teaching her unique system of Fractology, facilitating clients and students in developing their own conscious intuitive logic, and balancing the left and right sides of their brain.
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The Soul's Brain: The Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition is the brand new book from Dr Catherine Wilkins, the Healer's Healer and founder of the system of Fractology.