My Mentor

Catherine Wilkins is renowned as ‘a practical and amazing healer’. With her ability to perceive the fractal structure of creation, she can work with energy and its effects with a precision few others have achieved.

She has the ability to assist each of us to heal in the most graceful and easy manner possible, enabling each of us to find our own power. She also has the ability to perceive how others are working with energy, enabling her to teach these skills with rare clarity and consistency.

Although she spoke to the spirits and angels when she was very little, she shut down this capacity due to family pressures. This created a space in her life to study the sciences, particularly the health sciences. She is a qualified veterinarian and chiropractor. But having shut down her energies she became ill and all areas of her life entered crisis.

Working on her healing brought her full circle to opening her psychic senses again, though this time with scientific knowledge of the natural laws. She combined the left brain of chaos theory and fractal geometries, quantum physics and the health sciences with the right brain of intuition, spirituality and metaphysical wisdom to create Fractology.

Her work enables us all to connect profoundly to the authenticity of who We Truly Are, and the authenticity of all the things, in a reliable and consistent system.


“Catherine is the most grounded exalted person I have ever met.”

Sindhuma Ishaya – Teacher of the bright path, the Ishaya’s Ascension.

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