The truth is simple.
Just like a fractal.
A fractal can appear complex but is always simple underneath. That’s what gives them their elegance, as well as universal application.
You’ve experience this yourself many times. Whenever you learned something new it seemed complex and confusing, but as soon as you ‘got it’ it was suddenly simple. Just how well you can hold on through the confusion, until you get to the simplicity, has a lot to do with how much you learn in life.
Confusion is mental pain. Just as with physical pain, our mental pain can be either good or bad. If you’ve ever been to a yoga class, or pushed yourself in a workout, you’ll know what I mean.
Good physical pain is that achy stretch pain that means your body’s working beyond its usual capacity – but bad pain is hot or sharp pain. It’s important to tell the difference between good and bad pain because good pain means keep going but bad pain means stop before you do damage.
If you think all pain is bad pain you’ll never get fit because you’ll avoid it – you’ll stop if you feel any type of pain. That’s true if we’re talking about physical or mental pain. The more you’re able to tell good confusion (new truths) from bad confusion (lies) the more you’ll understand and be able to learn and grow.
This is where simplicity helps.
The truer something is the more simple it’s going to be. True things line up with universal reality, which lies don’t do. It’s explaining away the misalignments which make lies so complicated.
This has always been true, as epicycles demonstrate.
Epicycles were how they explained away the misalignments in our solar system created by insisting the sun, and all other planets, orbited round the earth – that our solar system was geocentric. The invention of telescopes showed up these misalignments as the planetary movements could be observed more closely – and they weren’t moving the way they should move if things really were geocentric.
Hanging on to the old belief felt less confusing, less mentally painful, than other possibilities. So, avoiding this pain, caused them to make things more complicated as they explained away the observed misalignments. They invented epicycles.
If the planets were going round smaller circles as they went round the bigger circle of their orbit the misalignments could be accounted for. Problem was that telescopes got better and better, which meant they needed epicycle on top of epicycle as the number of misalignments they had to explain away continued to increase. Things just kept getting more complicated.
Finally, Copernicus was able to realise the truth. The planets were heliocentric, not geocentric.
With the sun at the centre of things perception was aligned to reality and things were suddenly so much simpler. No more epicycles were needed.
One significant advantage of simplicity is the clear focus it gives you. This level of clarity makes it easier for you to produce the results you’re after. It means that whenever you’re confused all you need to do is ask yourself – would things be simpler if that was true?
If the answer’s yes, then it probably is true. You’ll need to adapt to the new reality.
If the answer’s no, then it probably isn’t true. You can forget about it.
There are other, simple ways to learn to discern the true. You have an inbuilt system which is actually part of your immune system. It’s not so much a way to tell the truth, but to know what things align to your personal expanded reality. You can learn how to work this part of your system through developing awareness of your Soul Seat.
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