What nail polish and water on the moon prove

moon and oceanAbundance is not just a state of mind, it is whole skill set.  Part of the skill set of abundance starts with knowing that there is always a way, there is always an answer.  In fact, it is knowing that the answer already exists, if we’re able to shift our perspective enough to see it.

Here are two recent examples of this:

My sister realised the ambition of a lifetime last week and left for a trip to Antartica.  So cool! (Literally and metaphorically.)  The night before she was due to get up at the crack of dawn to get on a plane to New Zealand, from where her boat will leave, she wanted to send a card to some relatives of her husband.  All good, but the difficulty was she wanted to paste a four-leaf clover into the card before she sent it, and she couldn’t find any glue.  It’s probably somewhere in my niece’s room, but as my niece does teenage housekeeping her whole room is a bombsite and the glue may or may not one day be excavated.  So my sister was getting anxious about getting this small job done before she left.

I happened to be staying with her that night. I didn’t have any glue with me. It’s not something I usually carry, and it was too late to go to any of the shops.  So what to do?

Get stressed and hunt through my niece’s bedroom?  Give up and leave the job incomplete?  Or assume there’s an answer and let it come to you?

I chose the last option.  A minute later I suggested she use nail polish, which my niece had and knew where that was. It worked very well.

This is why this is a skill of abundance.  When we realise there’s always a way there’s never any need for the answer to be ‘no’.  There’s always a way for it to be ‘yes’.

In the same way, I remember when I was young that the scientists considered it impossible that there was water to be found anywhere in the solar system except on the earth.  This was one of the largest obstacles to the thought of humanity having a permanent presence anywhere except on this planet.  But now they’re finding water is more abundant than they ever believed possible.  When they started looking for ways to make such a venture possible the ways began to turn up.  It’s even on the moon, and a new satellite is going to find out just how much.

If you want to read about it more you can at:


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