I first began the Wesak retreats in 2003. The purposes of the retreats in those days was to support the evolution of the collective consciousness in its shift from codependency to interdependency. We knew, at the time, that a huge shift was due to take place in 2012 and we were working to hold space to enable this shift to be as easy and graceful as possible. Since then we have not held another retreat, though we are pleased to support those who have held retreats of their own at the appropriate time.
Since 2012 the energy that has been coming into the planet during the Wesak period has been more about increasing our awareness of interdependency and the skills involved. The qualitative shift that is required in moving from a right / wrong perspective to one where everything is understood to serve in one context or another is part of the reason why there has been a lot of confusion around in the last few years. Whenever we learn something new we go through a period of confusion until the new skill begins to make sense to us. This is where we are at currently.
I’m sorry if you haven’t been enjoying it. I confess I haven’t found it all that comfortable myself. There is good news and bad news, which happens to be the same news; this period of confusion is not due to finish until around Wesak in 2017. Which is good or bad depending on how you’re feeling about the current confusion and continuing to deal with it for a while longer.
Here at Fractology we are aware that Wesak in 2017 will be significant as a consequence. We are considering holding a retreat again during that year. Our current thought is to hold it in Angkor Wat, in Cambodia, which is a powerful site of sacred geometries with deep connections on many levels. We will give you more details as they come to hand.